Program Listing for File timer_node.h

Return to documentation for file (simple2dengine/nodes/timer_node.h)


#include <functional>
#include <string>

#include "simple2dengine/engine.h"
#include "simple2dengine/nodes/node.h"

namespace simple2dengine
    class TimerNode : public Node
        TimerNode(const std::string& nodeName, unsigned int time = 0, bool isOneShot = true)
            : Node(nodeName), finishTime(time), oneShot(isOneShot){};
        void setTime(unsigned int time);
        void start();
        void pause();
        void reset();
        bool isPaused() const;
        void setOneShot(bool oneShot);
        bool isOneShot() const;
        void onTimeout(std::function<void()> function);

        virtual void update(int deltaInMs) override;

        unsigned int finishTime = 0;  // amount of time need to send finish signal
        unsigned int elapsedTime = 0; // current elapsed time
        bool oneShot = true;          // if true - timer will not restart
        bool paused = false;          // if pause if true - time will not elapse

        std::function<void()> timeoutFunc; // signal on timeout
} // namespace simple2dengine